The Chapter currently doesn't have any accredited Service Officers. We are working to fill those vacancies. The training is next year before the Department DAV convention in Macon, Georgia.
For that reason, the Chapter recommends that any veteran wanting help with making or updating their VA Disability claim contact one of these accredited representatives. You must call or email to request an in-person appointment.:
(1) VFSO 2 Rico Johnson, the accredited VFSO with the State of Georgia serving Dawson, Forsyth, Hall, and Lumpkin counties. He is located in the building at 311 Green St. NW, Gainesville, GA 30501 (at the intersection of Academy St and EE Butler Parkway). His contact information is:
Phone: (770) 531-6060 Email:
(2) One of the Service Officers with DAV Chapter 6 in Marrietta, Georgia. They provide support to veterans needing help every Wednesday between 10AM and 2PM. You must call for an appointment.
(3) The resident VSO at the Oakwood VA Clinic, 4175 Tanners Creek Drive, Flowery Branch, GA 30542-2816. Call (404) 321-6111), press 0 for the operator and ask to speak to the VSO.
Remember, the VA reminds all veterans that they should always go to accredited representatives and not unaccredited people claiming to be able to prepare, present, or prosecute VA benefit claims, or hold themselves out as being authorized to do so, as they are in violation of Federal law.